Idaho Homeschooling

If you are looking for answers and information about homeschooling in Idaho, you've come to the right place. Browse around to find a wealth of information, tips, ideas, and activities to make homeschooling fun and successful.

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This is a mailing list for people who home school or are thinking of homeschooling in Idaho. Exchange ideas, support each other, give links for school stuff, or just talk.
Curriculum Cottage
2210 N. Meridian Rd. Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: 208-887-9292 Curriculum Cottage offers prepackaged curriculum sets and materials to supplement your current form of education.
The Peregrine Fund World Center for Birds of Prey
The World Center for Birds of Prey in Boise houses the Peregrine Fund's national and international conservation programs. At the World Center birds of prey are propagated for release to the wild. The Center houses about 200 falcons and condors for breeding. The World Center is also the home of our Education Program at the Velma Morrison Interpretive Center and the Herrick Collections Building.
Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail
In 1804, Meriwether Lewis & William Clark began a voyage of discovery with 45 men, a keelboat, two pirogues,and a dog. They departed from Camp Wood located in what was to become Illinois. They traveled over a three-year period through lands that later became 11 states. Most of the trail follows the Missouri & Columbia Rivers. Much has changed in 200 years but trail portions remain intact. At 3700 miles, Lewis & Clark NHT is the second longest of the 23 National Scenic & National Historic Trails....
Minidoka Internment National Monument
Minidoka Internment National Monument was established in 2001 as the 385th unit of the National Park System to commemorate the hardships and sacrifices of Japanese Americans interned there during World War II. Also known as the 'Hunt Camp', the Minidoka Relocation Center was a 33,000-acre site with over 600 buildings and a total population of about 13,000 internees held from Washington, Oregon, and Alaska. It was in operation from August 1942 until October 1945. The Monument is located between t...
Spokane Homeschoolers—Homeschoolers of the Inland Empire
Spokane Homeschoolers is an inclusive group of the parents of homeschooling families in the Eastern Washington/North Idaho area surrounding Spokane.
Boise Art Museum
The Boise Art Museum's Permanent Collection of 2,300 works of art focuses on 20th century American art with a long-standing emphasis on artists of the Pacific Northwest, American Realism and ceramics. BAM's Collection also includes a survey of European and non-Western artwork designed to provide a broader context for the overall Collection. Also features special exhibits.
Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument
Hagerman Fossil Beds NM contains the largest concentration of Hagerman Horse fossils in North America. The Monument is internationally significant because it protects the world's richest known fossil deposits from a time period called the late Pliocene epoch, 3.5 million years ago. These plants and animals represent the last glimpse of time that existed before the Ice Age, and the earliest appearances of modern flora and fauna. The fossil beds are located one and one half hour from Boise and thi...
City Of Rocks National Reserve
Beginning in 1843, City of Rocks was a landmark for emigrants on the California Trail and Salt Lake Alternate Trail and later on freight routes and the Kelton, Utah to Boise, Idaho stage route. The area's historical and geological values, scenery, and opportunities for recreation led to its designation as City of Rocks National Reserve in 1988. The reserve is located 45 miles south of Burley, Idaho.
Home School in Idaho
This Idaho Department of Education page states that Idaho does not regulate or monitor home school education. This web page is intended to provide answers to frequently asked questions regarding home school in Idaho.
Idaho Home School Laws from HSLDA
The Home School Legal Defense Association provides a brief summary of the homeschooling laws in Idaho. Includes a link to a legal analysis of laws relating to homeschooling in Idaho.
33-202. School Attendance Compulsory.
The parent or guardian of any child resident in this state who has attained the age of seven (7) years at the time of the commencement of school in his district, but not the age of sixteen (16) years, shall cause the child to be instructed in subjects commonly and usually taught in the public schools of the state of Idaho. Unless the child is otherwise comparably instructed, the parent or guardian shall cause the child to attend a public, private or parochial school during a period in each year ...
Nez Perce National Historical Park
The 38 sites of Nez Perce National Historical Park are scattered across the states of Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Montana and have been designated to commemorate the stories and history of the Nimiipuu and their interaction with explorers, fur traders, missionaries, soldiers, settlers, gold miners, and farmers who moved through or into the area.
33-207. Proceedings Against Parents or Guardians.
Whenever the parents or guardians of any child between the ages of seven (7) years, as qualified in section 33-202, Idaho Code, and sixteen (16) years, have failed, neglected or refused to place the child in school as provided in this chapter or to have the child comparably instructed, or knowingly have allowed a pupil to become an habitual truant, proceedings shall be brought against such parent or guardian under the provisions of the juvenile corrections act.
Common Questions And Plain Answers About Home Schooling in Idaho
Answers to some of the basic questions about homeschooling in Idaho. Includes interpretations of the relevant laws.
Upcoming Events
Not Back to School Camp - Oregon
August 11-25, 2021
Camp Myrtlewood, Bridge, Oregon
Not Back to School Camp is a non-denominational, non-religious homeschool camp. The camp offers workshops, spontaneous events, and special evening gatherings, bringing together campers who are excited about life and willing to be themselves and to reach out and connect with the others. 
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A Reason For® Reading
A Reason For® Reading offers a series of over 100 Leveled Readers that provide small increases in difficulty from level to level. These colorful books feature Scripture stories and Christian value themes. Story Guides include high-frequency words, te...
Homeschooling For Dummies
This comprehensive guide gets you off to a great start. From helpful advice on how to decide if homeschooling is right for you, to how to get started, to complying with all legal requirements, you'll find what you need at the beginning of your homesc...
Classical Education & The Home School
Classical education is an idea whose time has come again. When parents see the failures of modern education, they look for better solutions and classical education is one that has been tested in the past and found to be good. For the Christian home e...
Pocketful of Pinecones: Nature Study With the Gentle Art of Learning : A Story for Mother Culture
Karen Andreola, renowned interpreter of the Charlotte Mason method of education, has written a unique sort of book in the homeschool world. Pocketful of Pinecones is a teacher s guide the nature study cleverly disguised as a heartwarming story writte...
Christian Unschooling : Growing Your Children in the Freedom of Christ
Is unschooling incompatible with Christianity? Elissa Wahl and Teri Brown argue that they are not incompatible, but complementary. Unschooling offers a different path to learning. This book explains what unschooling is (and isn't) and offers support ...